Landscape Management Plan First Steps
Desk top study – look at the landscape and the context/ setting of the site within the landscape; what habitats are nearby and how are they connected to the site?
Site visit – look at what the site contains; (vegetation, species) its connectivity to other habitats and where the management is needed to optimise use of the site for ecology.
Landvision create a variety of Management Plans for clients; Landscape Management Plans for open space, including Breeam ecology reports and plans, grassland and woodland Management Plans. Also,
Biodiversity Action Plans and Protected Species plans. Nature area plans. Wildlife pond plans.
Landscape Management Plan Next Steps
- Landvision will do a site survey (Phase 1 Extended Ecology survey) and also further desk top studies to identify history of management use, assess the current site condition, the site species found in the area in the past with up to date analysis of likely presence or absence of species.
- The condition of areas within Special Landscape Areas (SLAs), Areas of Outstanding natural Beauty (AONBs) or SSSIs can also be included in Management Plans.
- The condition of areas within Special Landscape Areas (SLAs), Areas of Outstanding natural Beauty (AONBs) or SSSIs can also be included in Management Plans.
- The Works Programme involves a schedule of tasks to be carried out, with time scales.
- A landscape management plan sets out a long term vision for how a site is going to managed over a period of years. Landvision’s Management Plans include the aims and objectives of the management.
- Landvision draw up Landscape Management plans, often as a part of planning applications. Management Plans can also be drawn up independent of the planning permission process. Creating a landscape management plan, we define the aims and objectives of management.
- The plan will include how and when the outcomes of management are to be monitored plus how the results are used to guide future management.
Aims may be;
- Recreation and Amenity land use
- Nature conservation
- Timber production.
- They may involve;
- Protected Landscapes
- Restored landscapes
- Brownfield sites
To discuss your site, and how we can help you, contact Landvision Landscape Management team on 01892 782200 or 020 300 58780 now or fill out our Contact Page